My name is Maša
This series is an autobiographical work, where I expose myself as a woman and an “emerging” artist. It presents a battle of internal forces. On one hand, I am thinking about my own meaning of life, where creating offers the possibility of realizing the essence, and I am considering the involvement of women artists in the social sphere on the other hand. Acceptance of artist’s role goes hand in hand with the current social climate and especially its perception of art as an essential tool for the identification of one nation.
A hard work during studies should indicate a turning point in author’s life that should catapult him or her towards new experiences and give him or her an opportunity to co-create the society in which he or she lives. Instead, I was thrown in the condition of “no air” – “I feel like someone is pushing me under water while I’m trying to get some air.” My experiences and feelings after graduation encouraged me to think about the role of female artists in society. Would I be asking for too much, if I wanted to become “someone” one day? I wonder what it feels like to “be someone with the Name” in the enormous social macrocosm.
The work “My name is Masha” is a series of photographs that gives an intimate reflection of the feelings I am encountering and of desire to create a dialogue with the society. The photos show glimpses of my everyday life – a portrait, the presence of my shadows or objects that surround me.